Lighthouse of Collier

General Information

Lighthouse of Collier
2685 Horseshoe Drive South, Suite 211
Naples, FL 34104
(239) 430 3934

Brief Description

Incorporated in 2009, the mission of the Lighthouse of Collier is to promote the development, implementation, and ongoing evaluation of programs and services that foster independence and enhance the quality of life for the blind, visually impaired, and their caregivers.

Services Offered

  • Daily Living Skills/Independent Living Skills Training
    • Offers training in skills to live independently and safely at home, including tactile medication labeling, cooking, money identification, grooming, how to use check/signature guides, talking watches, using a phone, safety tips and much more.

  • Computer Training/Assistive Technology
    • Offers training in the use of assistive technology from large print displays and braille, to accessing Email and Internet with talking PCs.

  • Employment/Job Training
    • Transition program offers training skills in daily living, self advocacy, communication, assistive technology, job seeking, orientation and mobility and more.

  • Support Groups
    • Holds a support group for individuals who are blind or visually impaired every Tuesday from 10:00 am to 11;30. RSVP required by calling required by calling LOC at 430-3934.