The APH Directory of Services for Blind and Visually Impaired Persons in the United States and Canada is a free-of-charge, searchable database containing contact information for over 2,000 organizations and agencies that serve people who are blind or visually impaired in the United States and Canada from the American Printing House for the Blind (APH).
Helping Users Find the Services They Need
The Directory of Services lists schools, agencies, organizations, and programs in the governmental and private, nonprofit sectors that provide a wide variety of services, information, and other assistance to blind and visually impaired children and adults, their families, and professionals who work with them. Information is also included on producers and distributors of braille, large print, audio recording, and other alternate media; specialized computer hardware and software and other assistive technology and adapted devices; and other products designed for people who are visually impaired.
Each listing in the Directory provides contact information and a detailed description of the services that the organization provides. Note that a listing in the Directory, which is based on information supplied by the organization itself, does not imply endorsement or evaluation by APH.
History of the Directory of Services
The Directory of Services has a long and storied history. The first print Directory was published by our partner, the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB), in 1926. This print directory soon became an indispensable resource used across the U.S. and Canada. AFB launched a fully accessible and searchable online version in 2001 with the same critical purpose: to provide useful, comprehensive information that assists persons who are visually impaired and their families to find the assistance they need and to help professionals deliver services effectively. AFB discontinued the print edition Directory in 2005.
In 2017, AFB began discussions with APH about assuming stewardship of the Directory of Services, and in 2018, APH began operating this vital resource, as well as related websites and an 800-number hotline, carrying on the legacy of AFB’s landmark work.
How to Be Listed in the Directory of Services
If your agency is not yet listed in the Directory of Services, we encourage you to add a free-of-charge listing! To see if you are eligible for listing in the Directory, see our Eligibility Requirements for the Directory of Services. If you think your agency is eligible for listing in the Directory, go to the Directory Center login page and click on "Sign Up." You will be taken to a page with a form in which you will be asked to provide a brief description of the services you offer for people who are blind or visually impaired. After you submit the form, APH staff will determine if you are eligible for listing in the Directory. Agencies that are eligible for listing in the Directory will be contacted via email and with be provided user names and passwords with instructions on how to access their records in the Directory Center. Agencies may access the Directory Center at any time at their convenience to update their information. In addition, APH welcomes suggestions for corrections, deletions, and new listings for the Directory of Services.
For More Information
For more information about the Directory of Services, please contact:
Alan Lovell,