Writing is a career that can go in many different directions, but no matter where you end up you must be adept at using the written word to clearly, concisely, and convincingly convey information, create a narrative, capture the imagination, or persuade a reader or user to take action. In order to write authoritatively about a given subject, you must already possess knowledge on the topic, or be able to perform targeted, efficient, and reliable research. If you enjoy writing about a specific subject, it may be helpful to hold a college degree in that area. Even though modern society still produces a sizeable amount of print material, today’s reader uses computers, e-readers, smart phones, tablets, and other electronic devices more than ever and this has opened up a whole new world for working in the writing industry.

Questions:What is a typical workday like for someone who writes for a living? How do writers perform their job duties? Do they use any specialized tools or equipment to perform their jobs?

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