2021 National Coding Symposium hosted by APH Connect Center and California School for the Blind

What is code?

Code is what makes your computer speak, braille pop-up, the internet search, and videos stream. So much of our world is becoming computerized, and we are depending on bright young people to understand code so they can engage with the products and companies currently existing and make the ones we haven’t even dreamed of yet. Learning how to code is a pathway to all kinds of careers in all areas of technology. Students should learn to code now so they can get jobs, work with others, and interact with the hardware and software applications that are inherently code-based. 

The National Coding Symposium, co-hosted by American Printing House (APH) and California School for the Blind (CSB), will connect students, parents, and teachers with professionals in the coding industry to answer some of the questions students have about coding and coding careers such as: What do coders do? Is coding hard? How do you become a coder? What else can you do with coding knowledge?

Outcomes for the Symposium

Watch the 2021 National Coding Symposium and learn about the various pathways to careers in and/or related to coding. through a series of inspirational speakers, panel discussions, presentations, and question and answer sessions. Again, Once we clean up the version on CareerConnect, the page on the main Coding Symposium webpage should also have the videos and the updated language on the main page until we relaunch for 2022.

  • Students will be motivated and encouraged to either consider the possibility of a career in programming or one where knowledge of code can open the doors to all sorts of related job opportunities.  
  • Teachers of students with visual impairments and assistive technology specialists who would like to integrate coding into their lesson plans and curricula will learn about information, resources, and pathways to overcoming inaccessible learning platforms and confusing coding lessons. 
  • Parents will discover information about how to support and encourage a child with an interest in coding.
  • Professionals in the field of blindness will have the opportunity to hear from colleagues and leaders in the field of coding and apply that knowledge in their own areas of expertise.

Coding is inherently accessible. Coding is fun, challenging, and is accessible across platforms and skill levels. Technology will become even more integral to future job opportunities and development. This symposium aims to help inspire middle, high school, and college-age students to become future leaders in careers inclusive of and related to programming and software development.

Co-hosts APH and CSB have planned a stellar lineup of some of the biggest names in the world of coding. Join leaders in the field from Apple, Google, LinkedIn, JAWS, Seeing AI, Vispero, Amazon, Verizon Media, Intel, HumanWare, WayMap, APH, and many more as they discuss and provide their personal experiences, journeys, and expertise illustrating just how successful visually impaired coders truly are.

This event has ended, but you can still access all the great presentations by checking out the videos below!

2021 National Coding Symposium – Day 1
2021 National Coding Symposium – Day 2
2021 National Coding Symposium – Day 3
2021 National Coding Symposium – Day 4