Who Can Assist Me with Developing a Resume?

Close-up of a resume with pen and glasses on the table. I wonder how many job seekers feel similarly to my good friend, Jaci, a military veteran who paused from the workforce for several years as she reared her young children. Today, while working part-time in their school, she is finishing her degree in Human Resources and looking forward to jumping back into a full-time career. Needless to say, she has concerns with her resume. How can she explain her gap in employment? How can she generalize all the knowledge and skills she acquired in the military? How can she, in a one page document, convince potential employers her military experience is relevant to the civilian world? I know resume concerns vary. Perhaps you wonder what to write when you have yet to be employed; you aren’t sure which jobs to highlight when you’ve held many; you wonder which skills are transferable from an obscure previous job; you’d like to compare your resume to a sample resume of one in your desired career field; you think your resume format is outdated; or you simply want a professional to scan your resume for errors. The list goes on. I hear you. To help, I have compiled a list of (mostly) brick and mortar agencies who can assist you in your resume development:
  • Seek the support of a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor whether from a state agency or a private agency for the blind and visually impaired. (Locate a local service provider by using our directory of services).
  • Inquire about resume-writing help at your local library or at your local university’s career center.
  • The U.S. Department of Labor sponsors an American Job Center in every state. Search for the one nearest you and receive assistance on resume writing.
  • If you are a high school student, make an appointment with your school’s career counselor.
  • If you are a university student, ask your school’s student disability resource center if there is a Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) counselor on staff who provides assistance with resume development.
  • If you are a US military veteran, utilize the services of Veteran’s Employment and Training Services, which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Am I missing any service providers? If so, add them in the comments section. Ah, one more thing. For all of you with a particular concern regarding a gap in employment or other situation you wish you could explain in your resume, take heart: consider mentioning it in your cover letter. Not sure how to work the info into your cover letter? I’ll leave you with the following:

Resources for Your Cover Letter

Writing a Cover Letter Recipe for Success: The Secret Ingredient to a Compelling Cover Letter