What Does Your Facebook Profile Say About You As a Person Who Is Blind or Visually Impaired?

Suppose you are eager to land a new job and have recently applied for 10 interesting positions within your state. You are hopeful that the large net you cast will lead to at least one or two interviews.

You smile as you think about your robust resume. You’ve got the credentials. Surely the employers will see the value you could bring to the companies.

But what you don’t know is the three employers who are prepared to interview you have visited your Facebook profile. What will they find? What does your Facebook profile say about you?

Assume your Facebook profile is visible to the employers; will this extended resume portray you as aggressive, immature, arrogant, or full of complaints? View your profile through the eyes of a potential employer and delete or add (honest, accurate) content to put your best foot forward.

Facebook can showcase your strengths, likability, and positive attitude. If the potential employers were previously aware of your blindness or visual impairment, they may now have the opportunity to see you’re human! It can be seen that you’re social, mature, competent, skilled, and have pretty neat interests.

The content of your Facebook profile matters. There are also apps that can assist in cleaning up your Facebook page, and it might be worth exploring these options. Besides cleaning up your Facebook page, it is also important to keep your privacy settings up to date because you can limit who can see your photos, updates, and sharing of information. These settings change periodically, and at times they even create new settings with options already selected for you. Check your privacy settings and stay aware. The fact is that there are still ways to navigate around these privacy settings, but it definitely makes it more difficult. Keep your private images and thoughts private.

Now that you have whipped that Facebook profile into shape, you better begin preparing for the interview by reading through CareerConnect’s Interviewing Tips. You can also read about how to stay on track with social media within the lesson on “Maintaining and Expanding Your Personal Network” within the APH CareerConnect’s Job Seeker’s Toolkit. This is a free, self-paced course on navigating the employment process as a person who is blind or visually impaired.

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