Interviewing Tips: WOW the Interviewer by Asking the Right Questions As a Candidate Who Is Blind or Visually Impaired

woman interviewing man for a job

The ball has been in the interviewer’s court up until this critical minute. He’s probed, prodded, and pried his way into finding out what he needs to know about you. His priority has been recognizing the training, experiences, and personality traits that make you a good fit, or lack thereof, for the position.

The tables have turned. You’re asked, “Now, do you have any questions for me?” Here’s your chance to let the interviewer know you care where you work. You’re not desperate. You have your options, and you’re contemplating the best fit for you.

Asking the right questions can also help the interviewer understand you’re looking for a team to join for the long haul. You’re eager to step into a role you will be satisfied in, and the interviewer knows a pleased employee is in his best interest.

Give some thought with me to the types of questions that send this message. Here are a few that come to my mind. I’d love to read yours in the comment section.

  • Can you tell me about the team I’d be working with?
  • What is the leadership style of my prospective supervisor?
  • Are there potential growth opportunities for this position?
  • What are the goals of the team I’d be working with?
  • Are the team members encouraged to pursue training opportunities? Keeping current in the field is critical to me.
  • What is the average retention for past persons in this position?

For additional questions you may want to ask, read through “Your Questions” in the Interview Preparation article. Note that no list of good questions contains, “When can I get a raise?,” “How soon can I take a vacation?,” “When can I go home each evening?”, or other self-satisfying questions.

Prior to the interview, prepare several good questions appropriate to the specific position. Pack a few extras because you may find your two are suddenly inappropriate. For instance, one question may have been previously answered, and the question about your supervisor’s leadership style is probably better tossed if your potential supervisor is the interviewer.

Asking the right questions can be the confirmation the interview panel needs to agree, “Wow! This is the right person for the job.”

For more information on interviewing and other aspects of job searching as an individual who is blind or visually impaired, utilize CareerConnect’s Conducting a Successful Job Search section.