How to Quit Your Job the Right Way

Business man thinking with blurred office background

So, you’re waving farewell to your job? I hope you’re coveting the idea of resigning because you’ve learned a great deal on the job and you have your eyes set on a more challenging position. You’re ready to advance your career; in fact, leaving your job behind is one step toward pushing your limits and taking a measured risk.

I realize that may not be the case. Maybe you’re finished because you cannot stand your boss, the unethical ways of the company, or the suffocating job-related stress you’re under.

Either way, you want out, but you don’t want to burn all the bridges. After all, you want an in-tact social network, you need the job reference, and you don’t want to leave the company in a lurch. Smart thinking.

So let’s talk quitting the right way. Here are my suggestions and I hope you’ll add to the conversation.

How to Quit Your Job the Right Way

  • Assuming you are resigning and continuing employment elsewhere, do not resign until you have accepted a formal job offer with another company.
  • You’ve heard “Give two weeks notice.” I say, give more if you can (within reason) and if the employer would be grateful for additional notice. Many employers would be grateful for one month of notice (some, even more) because they would have more time to find a replacement, and you can possibly train the replacement before leaving. Then again, some employers push out employees almost immediately upon learning the intent of resignation; if this has been the case for other former employees in your workplace, obviously do not give more than two weeks of notice.
  • You’re likely tempted to divulge your upcoming resignation to your coworker friends or divulge your upcoming position to Facebook friends, but please, talk with them after you’ve spoken to your boss. Your supervisor needs to hear the facts from you and not the gossipy grapevine.
  • When resigning, politely and briefly state that you’re pursuing another opportunity and will be resigning on such-and-such date. Thank the employer for his/her leadership, mentorship, etc.
  • Follow up with a formal letter of resignation. Ensure the letter is dated.
  • Plan how you can ease the transition of your leaving. Let your team know which projects you’ll wrap up and talk with your supervisor about delegating other tasks. Ask your employer how else you can help with a smooth transition.
  • Do not slack off during this transitional period. Why? 1. Integrity 2. Job reference
  • Remain polite and positive.
  • As you leave, shake hands with your coworkers and leadership. Thank them.

Hopefully the above suggestions help you make a clean break from one employer and set you up for success for your new one.

Resources for Those Who Are Considering Resigning

Don’t Quit, Develop Grit

Seeking Success After “Failures” on the Job for Those Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired

8 Guidelines for Working with a Difficult Boss As an Employee Who Is Blind or Visually Impaired