12 of Today’s Hottest, Fastest Growing Careers and How to Pursue Them As a Person Who Is Blind or Visually Impaired

Magnifying glass over newspaper classified section with 'Job Opportunity' text

I’m all about coaching folks to pursue a job that sparks their interest, however, it’s important to consider the trends and needs of the labor market. If you’re torn between pursuing a degree in philosophy or science, I’d suggest researching job opportunities available for professionals in the respective fields. I do believe you’d find your chances of employment drastically increase with a degree in science.

If you’re pondering a career field to study, are contemplating a career change, or are simply curious about the current job market, read on to learn today’s fastest-growing job opportunities according to the Wall Street Journal and CareerBuilders.com:

  • Machinists
  • Accountants
  • Web programmers
  • Health care case managers
  • Financial analysts
  • Interpreters and Translators
  • Physical Therapists
  • Petroleum engineers
  • Database Administrators
  • Massage Therapists
  • Personal Care Aides
  • Service Unit Operators at oil, gas, and mining sites

Do any of these fast-growing careers spark your interest? If so, begin researching each potential vocation by conducting an APH CareerConnect search by career cluster. Read about the general career field, job requirements, and average wages.

Next, read a success story, interview, or profile of an individual who is blind or visually impaired in the career field using CareerConnect’s Our Stories section.

Still thinking you’ve found a promising, interesting career? Locate a mentor in the field who is also blind or visually impaired. Inquire about job accommodations, necessary assistive technology, networking opportunities, difficulties of the job, or any other pressing question.

Do your research, plan your steps, and take calculated risks. You’ve got this.

Your Cheerleader,

Shannon Carollo

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