An important aspect of looking for work is space management. It seems obvious, but many job seekers attempt their searches without first organizing their work space, and their disorganization negatively affects their efforts.

The following tips can help you help yourself get organized and stay organized as you actively search for work.

  • You need to designate a specific work space in your home where you will perform all of your job-seeking tasks: for example, reading about companies of interest and job leads, filling out applications and refining resumes for specific jobs, telephoning prospective employers to find out about job openings, setting appointments, following up after interviews, and so forth.
  • You need a space that isn’t used by others in your household. Your materials and tools should be easily available to you when you are working on job hunting, and a workspace of your own means that your things aren’t going to be moved or damaged by others.
  • You need a space with a minimum of distractions—in other words, away from TV and other people!
  • You need to assemble all of the tools you will use in your job search. A partial list of job seeking tools may include the following:
    • a computer
    • paper and writing implements (pens, slate and stylus or a braillewriter)

Do you have such a workspace set up in your home? If not, this may be your first step in launching a successful career search.